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How to get there

By bus 16:
Bus 16 serves between Deak Ferenc sq. and Széll Kálmán sq. through the Buda Castle district. The bus stops at Clark Ádám sq. from where you may reach Castle Garden by a 2 minute walk. 

From the Southern railway station:
With metro line M2 you should go 2 stops until Batthány square, then take bus 86 or either tram 19 or 41 until the Várkert Bazár stop. 

From the Eastern railway station:
Take metro line M2, go 5 stops until Batthyány sq., then takebus 86 or either tram 19 or 41 until the Várkert Bazár stop.

From the Western railway station:
Take metro line M3, go 2 stops until Deák Ferenc sq., then take bus 105, go 3 stops until Clark Ádám sq. From there you can reach Castle Garden within a 2 minute walk.

From Margit bridge, Buda bridgehead go through Árpád fejedelem street and Angelo Rotta wharf  to reach Sztehlo Gábor wharf. On the embankment way go further to Fő street towards Clark Ádám sq. From Clark Ádám square go towards Lánchíd street.

From Erzsébet bridge, Buda bridgehead go West, then straight towards Attila street, turn right for Attila street and go to Apród street. Turn left to Döbrentei street and go straight to Ybl Miklós sq. 

Parking option at Castle Garden's garage.