Join us to support your team
On the official fan terrace of Nemzeti Sport, you can watch the matches on a giant screen every match day from 14 June to 14 July 2024. We look forward to welcoming you with a unique atmosphere, free programmes and a stunning view of the Danube as you cheer on your favourite national team.

Official fan terrace of Nemzeti Sport
We look forward to welcoming you to the European Football Championship with free football-related activities:
- live broadcasts
- expert match analysis
- activities for kids
- prize competitions
- ice-cold, thirst-quenching drinks and delicious snacks are available
Official fan terrace of Nemzeti Sport and Castle Garden Bazaar in the Foundry Courtyard

Football and Cultural History Exhibition
Under the title "Football Through the Ages”, a unique temporary exhibition awaits visitors and fans from June 15th during the 2024 European Football Championship. This family-friendly exhibition, partly outdoors and partly in the ceremonial hall of the National Széchényi Library, uses visual documents to illustrate the links between football, culture and history.
On the way to the fan terrace, one part of the exhibition will be accessible on the ramp leading to the Gloriette. This section will evoke the early days of Hungarian football alongside one of the golden ages of poster art. On the level of the Royal Palace of Buda, between the Royal Guardhouse and the Lion Court, the documents on display tell the story of the period when football exploded in popularity.
In the National Széchényi Library, posters, manuscripts and artefacts related to Géza Ottlik, Iván Mándy, Zoltán Jékely, Dezső Tandori or the Korda brothers, among others, evoke the stories that unfolded at the crossroads of football and film.
Football on the Big Screen
As a companion programme to the football and cultural history exhibition, the National Széchényi Library presents three football-themed masterpieces of Hungarian cinema for summer evening outdoor movie screenings:
- Friday 28 June, 8pm – Szépek és bolondok, (colour Hungarian feature film, 1976, director, screenwriter: Péter Szász)
- Wednesday 3 July, 8pm – Two Half Times in Hell (black and white Hungarian feature film, 1961, director: Zoltán Fábri)
- Thursday 4 July, 8pm – Football of the Good Old Days (colour Hungarian feature film, 1973, director: Pál Sándor)
The films were provided by the National Film Institute Nonprofit Ltd.
Venue of the screenings: Foundry Courtyard

On-site activities
Organised by Az Egészséges Nemzet Mindannyiunk Közös Ügye Alapítvány, we offer a variety of exercise and other lifestyle events.
- Sports activities, sports competitions for both children and adults*
- Healthy lifestyle and nutrition talks
- Secrets of Blue Zones – guided discussion
- Healthy food tasting
- Handcrafts for kids
Venue for activities and events: Panorama terrace, Lion Court
- A meccsek közvetítését gyenge eső esetén is megtartjuk. Amennyiben az időjárás kritikusra fordul (például intenzív eső, viharos szél stb.), a közvetítések elmaradásáról legkésőbb a közvetítés megkezdése előtt 1 órával a Budavári Palotanegyed Facebook oldalán közleményt adunk ki.
- Fenntartjuk a jogot a műsor megszakítására (ha az időjárási viszonyok kritikussá válnak), valamint a műsorváltoztatásra.
- Az Öntőház udvar befogadóképessége korlátozott.
- Rendezvényünk sajtónyilvános, a résztvevőkről fotók és videók készülnek. A Várkapitányság Nonprofit Zrt. adatkezelési tájékoztatója az alábbi linken érhető el: www.varkapitanysag.hu/adatkezelesi-tajekoztato
By public transport
Access to Castle Garden Bazaar by bus 16: Bus 16 runs between Deák Ferenc Square and Széll Kálmán Square via the Buda Castle District. The Castle Garden Bazaar is just a few minutes' walk from the bus stop at Clark Ádám Square.
Access to Castle Garden Bazaar from Déli Railway Station: Take metro M2 two stops to Batthyány Square, then tram 19 or 41 to Castle Garden Bazaar.
Access to Castle Garden Bazaar from Keleti Railway Station: Take metro M2 five stops to Batthyány Square, then tram 19 or 41 to Castle Garden Bazaar.
Access to Castle Garden Bazaar from Nyugati Railway Station: Take M3 metro two stops to Deák Ferenc Square, then bus 105 three stops to Clark Ádám Square. The entrance is a 1-2 minute walk from the square.
Access to Castle Garden Bazaar by boat: Take boat number 12, which travels between Rómaifürdő and MÜPA, National Theatre and get off at the Castle Garden Bazaar stop.
By car
From Margaret Bridge, Buda side, take Árpád fejedelem Road and Angelo Rotta embankment towards Sztehlo Gábor embankment. Continue along the quay towards Fő Street until you reach Clark Ádám Square. Continue from Clark Ádám Square to Lánchíd Street.
From Elisabeth Bridge, on the Buda side, head west, continue straight to Attila Street, turn right staying on Attila Street, and continue straight to Apród Street. Turn left onto Döbrentei Street, go straight towards Ybl Miklós Square, and continue straight ahead. Continue straight on towards Lánchíd Street.
For those arriving by car, parking is available in Castle Garage 1 (1013 Budapest, Apród Street 1-3) and Castle Garage 2 (1013 Budapest, Palota Road 17), with limited capacity. For more information on parking fees, see: https://varkertbazar.hu/melygarazs