Castle Garden


Raklap & Zækar


The aim of Ybl Pop, launched last summer, is to present exciting pop music productions rarely accessible to wider audiences in the Várkert. The event series featured special songwriter partnerships, showcasing a wide range of Hungarian pop songwriters. 

In July, the YBL POP series presents two talented young bands on the Várkert Bazár’s Dry Ditch Stage.


They are terribly young and darn talented: the average age of the members of the band Raklap from Sepsiszentgyörgy (Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania) is barely 18. Several of them are yet to graduate from secondary school, but they have already published 5 music videos and recently released their first album. Many different adjectives have been used to describe their music, but what matters the most to them is the visceral nature of music and a smashing performance.

This relatively young formation is bonded by seven years of friendship and collaboration, which was key for the band's debut as a confident production with a characteristic style not long after its creation. Zækar places great emphasis on improvisation, and they believe that playing live, on-stage music – among others – is quintessential for perfecting their improvisative skills.